Semantic Methods for Events and Stories (SEMMES)

Workshop at ESWC 2023


Keynote: Video, Narratives and Knowledge Graphs

Paul Groth - Slides

Paul Groth

If you watch YouTube, you know the power of a good story. The dramatically lower cost of video capture has led to more stories but also its increasing importance as a tool of knowledge capture. In this talk, I talk about our work on extracting knowledge graphs from video. I then discuss both the challenge of narrative with respect to KG extraction but also the potential opportunities that narrative provides for the co-creation of knowledge.

About the speaker: Paul Groth is Professor of Algorithmic Data Science at the University of Amsterdam where he leads the Intelligent Data Engineering Lab (INDElab). Paul is also scientific director of the UvA’s Data Science Center. His research focuses on intelligent systems for dealing with large amounts of diverse contextualized knowledge.

Workshop Schedule

14:00 Workshop welcome and introduction
14:10 Keynote: Video, Narratives and Knowledge Graphs - Paul Groth
14:40 Session 1 - KGs for Understanding Events and Stories Chair: Simon Gottshalk Kozaki Kouji, Shusaku Egami, Kyoumoto Matsushita, Takanori Ugai, Takahiro Kawamura and Ken Fukuda. Datasets of Mystery Stories for Knowledge Graph Reasoning Challenge (long paper)Franz Krause, Xi Yan, Baptiste Darnala and Michel Dumontier. On the Combination of Event Calculus and Empirical Semantic Drifts (short paper)Alba Catalina Morales Tirado, Enrico Daga, Jason Carvalho and Paul Mulholland. Musical Meetups: a Knowledge Graph approach for Historical Social Network Analysis (long paper)
15:45 Coffee break
16:15 Session 2 - Event Information Extraction Chair: Lise Stork Heikki Rantala, Eero Hyvönen and Petri Leskinen. Finding and explaining relations in a biographical knowledge graph based on life events: Case BiographySampo (short paper) Youssra Rebboud, Pasquale Lisena and Raphaël Troncy. Prompt-based Data Augmentation for Semantically-precise Event Relation Classification (long paper)Lars Michaelis, Junbo Huang and Ricardo Usbeck. WikiEvents - A Novel Resource for NLP Downstream Tasks (long paper)Rajesh Piryani, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles and Nathalie Hernandez. Comprehensive Survey on Ontologies about Event (long paper)
17:45 Wrap up