Knowledge Flow

Follow the flow of events in history

Latest News: kFLOW team will be at EKAW 2022.

Human History is composed of a continuous flow of events. Each of them can impact subsequent events and contribute to the evolution of human knowledge.

kFLOW is a research project aiming to propose strategies for representing, extracting, predicting and using the information about event relationships and knowledge evolution. For achieving these goals, we are realising a Knowledge Graph of interconnected events and facts, developing specialised strategies for:

  • data modelling
  • information extraction
  • link prediction
  • incorrect triple detection and automatic fact-checking
Our paper about FARO data model accepted at EKAW 2022
September 22, 2022

Which kind of relations between events it is interesting to represent?

kFLOW project has started!
January 10, 2022

We are very proud to announce the kick-off of the Knowledge Flow research project, acronym: kFLOW. This project is inscribed...